Every 10 years, district lines are redrawn. The ways that districts and neighborhoods are defined affects the representatives, policy, and services that a certain district or neighborhood receives. Do you know who your council person is? Do you and your neighbor live in the same district? How well do you KNOW YOUR DISTRICT?? In September 2021, MOTO VOTO will stage motorcycle rides along the boundaries of Los Angeles City Council districts to raise awareness about the Los Angeles City Council Redistricting Commission. Follow the rides on this website, go on the rides yourself by using MOTO VOTO’s maps, and/or keep an eye out for a MOTO VOTO flag in your neighborhood reminding you to KNOW YOUR DISTRICT through participating in the redistricting process.
Get Involved
Get involved in the Los Angeles City Council Redistricting Process! The City Council Redistrict Commission is receiving testimonies SEPTEMBER 2021, and will release draft maps for public feedback OCTOBER 2021. You can…
- Submit a Community of Interest form describing your community.
- Make an online map of your community and submit it as testimony.
- Attend a Public Hearing on Zoom. Find the Public Hearing date for your district here.
- Learn more by reading the Fact Sheet and sharing with your neighbors
Moto Rides
Driving Maps
Use these Driving Maps to follow along on your own district ride! No motorcycle needed. You can open up the Google Map or Rever file depending on your preference. Each district ride is long, so we encourage you to take a segment of the map and notice the landmarks and the neighborhoods that you move through on your ride.
NOTE: Because district lines include parks and other pieces of land that don’t always have road access, some segments of the maps are approximate.

Learn More
Slay the Dragon is an excellent film that you can watch to learn more about redistricting politics.